Have you ever had a hard time coming up with VBS game ideas? Keeping your children’s ministry entertained at church can be challenging if you don’t have any ideas in advance.
But don’t worry – you can find all sorts of easy games and activities to do.
In this post, we’ll outline cool games for VBS you need to turn vacation bible school up a notch.
Check out these tips and advice from pastors, teachers, volunteers, and parents on engaging bible study topics for kids, messy VBS games, and easy-to-follow proven methods.
Camp Favorites: Christian VBS Games
Listed below are some reasons why you might want to give determining the best games some serious consideration.
First, it’s an important part of ministry. During game time, reminding children that everyone is on God’s team is a great way to show them that faith is important.
Second, teaching them about God. Plan a VBS with games that will be out of this world. Rocket balloons and stars that float in the air make for fun and exciting activities to teach kids about God’s Galaxy.
And third, to establish a stronger bond with your students. When a child trusts you, they feel more comfortable asking questions that they may feel led to ask. Games such as Red Light (Stop and Listen to God), Yellow Light (Make Time for God), and Green Light (Go and be a Disciple) could encourage more conversations about the Lord.
Plan Vacation Bible School Activities – 5 Easy Steps
How about some cool games for VBS or Youth Group? Vacation bible school teachers and volunteers could highly benefit from this list. We have games suitable for Vacation Bible School indoor games, outdoor games, Sunday School, Youth Groups, and camps, as well as activities that can help teach kids more about God.
No matter whether you are teaching classes or supporting the ministry, find ideas to keep you covered this summer with VBS games for kids.
What is Vacation Bible School (VBS)?
The purpose of VBS is to encourage children to grow spiritually, make craft projects, eat snacks, and have fun!
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a special program designed to help children grow spiritually while having a blast! At VBS, kids get to engage in various activities like making fun craft projects, enjoying tasty snacks, and most importantly, having loads of fun!
The main goal of VBS is to create a welcoming environment where children can explore their faith excitingly and interactively. It’s a time for kids to learn more about God’s love for them and to build lasting friendships with others in the community. So, come join in the fun and adventure of VBS – where faith and fun go hand in hand!
Other names for Vacation Bible School (VBS) include:
- Bible Camp
- Church Camp
- Summer Bible Program
- Vacation Church School
- Kids’ Bible Camp
- Summer Bible School
- Children’s Ministry Program
- Vacation Bible Camp
- Summer Church Program
- Kids’ Bible Week
VBS activities cover lots of fun things to do!
At Vacation Bible School (VBS), kids participate in various engaging activities that blend fun with learning about their faith. From dancing to uplifting Christian music videos to enthusiastically praising God by raising their hands, children enjoy interactive ways to express their spirituality.
Alongside these lively activities, VBS also provides opportunities for kids to delve into the teachings of the Bible, learning valuable lessons and stories that help nurture their understanding of Christianity.
Through a mix of joyful activities and meaningful exploration of scripture, VBS offers children a memorable and enriching experience that strengthens their connection to their faith.
Check out these fantastic VBS prize ideas. This sensory fidget Cross pop it is a huge hit with our church kids. These make great prizes for VBS!
Exploring VBS: A Dive into Covered Topics with Examples
At Vacation Bible School (VBS), each day is packed with exciting topics that engage children in meaningful exploration of their faith. Here are just a few examples of the topics covered throughout the week:
- Bible Stories: Children dive into timeless tales from the Bible, discovering lessons of courage, kindness, and faithfulness through stories like Noah’s Ark, David and Goliath, and the Good Samaritan.
- Character Traits: Through interactive lessons and discussions, kids explore important character traits such as kindness, honesty, and compassion, learning how these values are reflected in their own lives.
- Prayer Power: Kids learn about the power of prayer and how they can communicate with God through heartfelt conversations. They explore different types of prayers and participate in group prayer activities.
- God’s Creation: Through hands-on activities and nature walks, children marvel at the wonders of God’s creation, learning about animals, plants, and the beauty of the world around them.
- Jesus’ Teachings: Children delve into the teachings of Jesus, discovering valuable lessons about love, forgiveness, and serving others. They explore parables like the Good Shepherd, the Lost Sheep, and the Prodigal Son.
- Mission Outreach: Kids learn about the importance of serving others and making a difference in the world. They engage in outreach projects such as making care packages for the homeless or writing letters to elderly residents in nursing homes.
These topics provide a rich and diverse curriculum that encourages children to grow spiritually, develop positive character traits, and deepen their understanding of God’s love.
Through fun activities, engaging lessons, and meaningful discussions, VBS creates a dynamic and memorable experience for children to explore their faith and build lasting connections with their peers.
The Best VBS Games for Kids
When I was a kid, I loved playing all sorts of fun games! Whether we were camping or hanging out at home, we always had a blast. Sometimes we’d have themed games, like ones about Bigfoot, and other times we’d play classic card games like UNO or games that came in tins.
Sunday School Prizes:
Giving out gifts, hosting giveaways, distributing incentives, awarding prizes, and creating games to win prizes are some of our favorite activities to do for kids and adults. Here is a selection of our biggest hits for prizes at Sunday school.
- Mini Pop Tubes
- Cross Necklaces
- Jesus Loves you Bracelets (Amazing deal for 84!)
- Mini Religious Coloring Books
- Scripture Candy (Highly Rated!)
Let’s dive and kick off the fun and discover the perfect games to add excitement to your VBS experience!
Glowing Faith: DIY Bowling Fun for Church
DIY glow bowling is an exciting and creative game that combines the thrill of bowling with the enchantment of glowing lights. Using simple materials like empty bottles, water, and jumbo glow sticks, participants create their glowing bowling pins.
Players take turns rolling a ball to knock down the illuminated pins, creating a visually stunning and engaging experience.
Whether played indoors or outdoors, DIY glow bowling adds a unique twist to traditional bowling, making it perfect for parties, youth events, or family gatherings. It’s a fantastic way to bring youth together for some glowing fun while celebrating faith and fellowship.
Here’s how to get in on the fun of DIY Glow in the Dark Bowling:
Grab 10 empty bottles of Powerade Zero or a similar drink. Fill each bottle about 2/3 of the way with water, then add some jumbo glow sticks to each bottle.
Now, it’s time to roll! Grab a ball and start knocking down those glowing pins.
Congratulations! You’ve just created your very own DIY glow-in-the-dark bowling game. Get ready for an epic party game that shines bright for Jesus! 🎳✨
FINDING JESUS: An Exciting Party Challenge
Imagine the excitement as kids uncover hidden messages from Jesus during this intriguing game! To play, you’ll need an invisible ink marker and LED black lights. Before the kids embark on their daily VBS adventure, write secret messages on white paper, as shown in the picture, and hang them on the wall.
Tip: At the beginning of this activity, keep the LED lights hidden from the children. Ask them to take a look around and see if they can spot any messages from Jesus. Let them know that Jesus is sending them messages and challenge them to find them. During this initial stage of the game, nobody will be able to see the messages.
Now, it’s time for the second part of the activity. Give the kids the LED lights and invite them to search again. This time, they’ll discover the secret messages from Jesus on the wall. These messages could say things like “I’m here!” or “I love you! – Jesus.”
As an added twist, include Bible verses among the messages for the kids to find during their search for secret messages from God. This adds an extra layer of excitement and reinforces the spiritual aspect of the activity.
This activity is crucial because it teaches children that even though Jesus may not be visible, he is always present with them. This important message reinforces the idea of Jesus’ constant presence and serves as a comforting reminder of his love and guidance in their lives.
Musical Chairs is a timeless and enjoyable game that kids love playing at parties. It’s simple to set up since you likely have chairs readily available. Plus, for events like Vacation Bible School or Sunday school, adding a Christian twist by playing Christian-themed songs during Musical Chairs can make it even more enjoyable and meaningful for the children.
Dive into Refreshing Fun: Water Balloon Activities for VBS!
Using water balloons at VBS adds an extra element of fun and excitement to the activities. They are a simple and inexpensive way to engage children in interactive games and challenges that help reinforce key lessons and themes of VBS.
Water balloon games encourage teamwork, physical activity, and creativity while providing a refreshing break from indoor activities.
Additionally, they create memorable experiences that children will associate with their time at VBS, fostering a sense of enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning about their faith.
Overall, water balloons add a splash of joy and energy to VBS that enhances the overall experience for participants.
#1 Fruit of the Spirit Relay
Divide the children into teams and set up a relay race course. Each team member must carry a water balloon representing one of the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) to a designated point and back without popping it.
The team that completes the relay without bursting any balloons wins. As they play, discuss how each fruit of the Spirit reflects Jesus’ teachings and how they can embody these qualities in their lives.
#2 Walking on Water Challenge
Set up a kiddie pool or large basin filled with water and scatter blue balloons on the surface to represent the sea. Place a narrow plank or balance beam across the pool.
Children will need to take turns trying to walk across the “water” (balloons) without stepping on any balloons and “sinking.”
As they play, discuss the story of Jesus walking on water and the importance of having faith and trusting in Him, even when faced with challenges.
#3 Miraculous Memory Game
Fill several water balloons with water and write different Bible verses or key phrases related to Jesus’ miracles on them. Scatter the balloons around the play area. Children will take turns popping a balloon and reading the verse or phrase aloud.
Then, they must act out or discuss the miracle described. This VBS game helps reinforce the stories of Jesus’ miracles and encourages children to remember and reflect on His teachings.
#4 Noah’s Ark Relay
Divide the children into teams, and designate one player from each team as “Noah.” Set up a starting line and a finish line, with a large bucket of water balloons placed at the starting line.
On “go,” the first player from each team races to the bucket, grabs a water balloon, and carries it carefully to the finish line, mimicking Noah gathering animals for the ark.
Once they reach the finish line, they pass the balloon to the next teammate, who repeats the process. The first team to transport all their “animals” (water balloons) across the finish line wins. As they play, discuss the story of Noah’s Ark and the importance of obedience and trust in God’s plan.
#5 The Living Water Challenge
Set up a relay race course with several stations, each representing a different aspect of Jesus’ ministry. For example, you could have stations for “Jesus Heals,” “Jesus Teaches,” “Jesus Feeds,” etc.
At each station, children must complete a task or answer a question related to the theme before moving on to the next station. To add a water balloon element, incorporate a water balloon toss or target practice at each station.
For example, at the “Jesus Walks on Water” station, children must try to toss a water balloon into a “boat” (a bucket or container) floating in a kiddie pool. This game reinforces key lessons from Jesus’ ministry while providing a fun and interactive experience for the children.
#6 Water Balloon Toss: A Splashy Game of Faith
Gather two teams and have each player stand across from their partner. Take turns tossing a water balloon back and forth, trying to catch it without breaking it. The last team (or player) with an intact balloon wins!
As the balloons inevitably burst, remind the children that just like balloons fall, we all make mistakes. But being a Christian means knowing that Jesus is there to catch us when we fall. It’s a fun way to learn an important lesson about faith!
Biblical Board Games: Fun for VBS!
At Vacation Bible School (VBS), you can play a variety of board games that are both entertaining and educational. Some popular options include:
- Bible Trivia: Test participants’ knowledge of Bible stories, characters, and verses with a trivia board game.
- Bible Bingo: Play a game of bingo using Bible-themed cards with pictures or words related to stories from the Bible.
- Creation Matching Game: Create a matching game with cards featuring images or descriptions of each day of the creation story from Genesis.
- Fruit of the Spirit Race: Design a board game where players race to collect fruit tokens representing each of the fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23.
- Jericho Wall Puzzle: Create a puzzle game where players work together to assemble a picture of the walls of Jericho and discuss the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho as they play.
- Noah’s Ark Adventure: Design a game board depicting Noah’s Ark and have players move their pieces around the board. While collecting pairs of animals and discussing the story of Noah and the flood.
- Ten Commandments Challenge: Create a board game where players navigate through various challenges and obstacles related to the Ten Commandments, reinforcing their understanding of God’s laws.
- Parable Path: Develop a game board inspired by the parables of Jesus, with players moving their pieces along a path and encountering different scenarios from the parables as they progress.
These board games provide a fun and interactive way for children to learn about biblical stories, themes, and principles while enjoying the fellowship of their peers during VBS.
Discover the perfect party favors for your Bible camp adventure! Explore the best collection of Jesus Bracelets, fun fidget toys in bulk, and other delightful party favors to make your event unforgettable.
Yeti the Silly Monster Game Idea
One of our favorite summer traditions is the lively BIGFOOT party! Creating it is simple – gather some cardboard, attach quirky toenails, and throw in ball pit balls for added excitement!
Jesus is our Super Hero Games
Zap! Pow! Bam! Show the kids to the Jesus Superhero Training Academy with these Superhero games. You will find games and activities from Flip the Cup to Balloon Smash. Great ideas for parents, teachers, and volunteers. Go here for more details!
Closing Thoughts on VBS Activities: Unleash the Fun!
As we conclude our exploration of cool games for VBS activities. The possibilities are endless when it comes to game ideas, craft projects, and delicious snacks.
From lively games that promote teamwork and laughter to crafts that encourage creativity and reflection. In this blog post, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
Additionally, the array of tasty snacks provides the perfect fuel for participants as they embark on their VBS journey. With such a diverse range of activities available, VBS promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with joy, learning, and spiritual growth.
So, let’s dive in and make this VBS an adventure to remember!
Love the Jesus is our Superhero idea!!
Thank you!!! 🙂
These are great ideas! This is my girls first year participating in VBS, so I’m excited to see all the fun things they have planned for the kids.
Yay for VBS! My kids love it. I hope your girls have a TON of FUN!!! 🙂
Vacation Bible School is certainly different from when I was a kid. No one went because it was thought to be way to boring. This looks like fun though!
Thanks, Kate! I hope it can help. 🙂
Great ideas, will send your post to one of my friend 😀
Awe. Thanks, Marina! I appreciate that. 🙂
I loved going to VBS when I was a child. All of these activities look like they would be so fun
Thanks, Becca!!! 🙂