Learn how to make Easter nail polish. A handmade gift idea for a creative Easter Basket.
Easter Nail Polish Ideas
Dressing up a basket with handmade gifts such as carrot nail polish, Easter bunny nail polish, and hatching baby chick nails. Just took gifts for adults or teens to a whole new creative level.
Carrot Top Nail Polish
Easily learn how to make carrot top nail polish in just a couple of easy steps.
First, you will need to cut green construction paper in strips. To figure out how big the strips need to be is by measuring the lid of the nail polish.
Next, you will cut 2/3rds of the way down the strips of the green construction paper. This will give it a green grass effect or the top of the carrot look.
After that, you will just need to glue it or tape it to the back and you’re finished. It is that easy and you know have an easy handmade gift that you can add to a teen girl Easter Basket.
Nail Polish Easter eggs
Another fun way of including them into your Basket is making them into a nail polish Easter egg.
An easy way to do that is after you make your easter craft nail polish. You will place it into one of these giant plastic fillable eggs.
Tip: Fill the surprise egg with easter grass or shredded paper before placing the polishes inside for a fun spring nails.
Baby Chick Nail Polish
Another handmade gift for a basket is to make a “cute chick” nail polish or you could call it a hatching baby chick nail polish. It is very simple and easy to do.
We tell you all the supplies you need below.
What you need to make this hatching baby chick; glue, yellow pipe cleaners, yellow pom, goggly eyes, orange construction paper, and yellow nail polish.
Spring Nails
Before you start egg decorating with pastel and pink acrylic nails I would check out how cute this Easy bunny rabbit nail polish is to make.
With Spring in the air and so many cute easter ways to paint your nails. Forget the speckled dye! How fun would it be to paint your finger nails with these fun gifts?
Plus, a fun way to put a bunny tail on the bottle too.
It’s simple with construction paper, googly eyes, and glue!
If you want it really simple just add a pink color pom pom to the bottle. This will create a bunny bum look design. Lots of cute ways to make Rabbit gift ideas.
The best part about these homemade gifts is that they are budget friendly, easy to make, and would be great for a teen, gifts for her, a family member or friend, teacher, or co-worker.