Kid’s Reward System That Works
At last, a kid’s reward system that works! If you are a parent… don’t miss this Claw Machine reward system! This is the best reward idea for kids since bribing them with Justin Beiber tickets. LOL no but seriously… this Claw Machine is AMAZING and I’m going to tell you why!
Are you having trouble trying to motivate your kid to listen to you? This mama has a few tricks up her sleeve. I’m going to teach you one of my favorite ways to get my kid to listen right now, today!
Okay Mama, do you see this Claw Machine right here?! ← This is the exact one that I use.
Why Kid’s Need Praises
Kids need praises! People in general need praises. I mean think about it. You’re at work and you just finished 25 calls, filed 300 forms, and wrote 12 emails. Your boss walks in the door and tells you to get him a cup of coffee. Not hi, not a good job, nothing. You think to yourself where is the motivation?! What makes me want to stay at this job? Certainly not your boss.
It’s the same thing with a child. They will work really hard trying to complete their chores or do something right but if they don’t get praised for it, why continue to do it. Sometimes in life, you just need a little motivation in the right direction.
Now let’s try this scenario again but this time a little different. This time you’re at work and after you have completed your tasks, your boss walks in and says, “Jill, WOW! Nice Job! I can’t believe you filed all 300 forms in 3 hours. I also got your email about Thursday. Sure, you can help Jane in the finance department. If you have time will you please get me a cup of coffee. I have a lot of work to finish. Thanks!”
Do you see the difference? Can you imagine how you’d feel after that? You would feel pretty darn good and that your hard work is being recognized. Plus you might not mind grabbing that cup of coffee for him after all.
How To Motivate Your Child
It’s the same thing with a child. Getting praised for putting their plate in the sink and rinsing off the spaghetti sauce without being asked. That deserves a good job. I’m not saying every day if it’s a normal regular routine but having the little things be recognized like that will surely make a difference.
Now imagine being rewarded with this ultimate Claw Machine. Not just any claw machine though. I call it the Mom Machine at my house because my kids LOVE getting the chance to pick something out of it.
What You Will Need
Tiny Easter Eggs ←This kind works perfectly for the claw to pick up!
Tips and Advice for the Kid’s Reward System
There are two ways that I choose to use this reward system. The first is a sticker chart reward system. My children will have to earn 10 stickers in order to get the claw machine. The second is at certain times if they do something outstanding they will get to pick straight out of the claw machine. Let me tell you something this thing works like a charm. It really brighten’s their spirits and it is so fun for them.
It’s fun for me too because I love seeing their faces’ when they open an Easter egg that has a note in it that reads… You get to pick out Mommy and Daddy’s pajamas for the night. Not only is this FREE but my kids have a hay day with this.
They’ll pick out mommy’s PJs for Daddy and vice versa. Luckily, my husband’s on board with the crazy stuff I put inside the eggs because he has been known to wear a pink pair of pants and a flowery tank top to bed before, hehe. But Shhh, we better keep that a secret though, LOL. 😛
The Conclusion of the Kid’s Reward System That Works
I want you to know I’m serious when I tell you this does work like a charm. It is sooooo much fun for the kids and they love it. In my next post, I will talk more about the fun things I stick inside of the eggs that the kids get the most excited over. Stick around and follow me on social media so you don’t miss out!
Related Articles:
• Popular and FUN Kid’s Prizes You Won’t Want To Miss
• What I Put in That MOM Machine
Very cool & fun idea for the kiddos! Loved your comparison between the boss and kids — definitely makes sense!
Thanks, Patricia! I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
This is so genius! I would have never thought of it! Thanks so much for the tip!
You are so welcome, Maya! I’m glad it helped. Thanks for stopping in. 🙂
omg this is genius! I don’t have kids but my friends will love this!
Thank you! I’m so glad it could help. You want to be sure to let them know that the tiny eggs work the best for the claw to be able to pick it up. Thanks again! 🙂
THis is a very cool idea. I think it is something that could actually work with my kids.
Thank you!!! 🙂 Yay! I’m so glad that it can be helpful for you. My kid’s LOVE it! It works like a charm. 🙂
This is ah-maz-ing! And I loved your explanation about why kids need praise and comparing it to my work at my job – makes total sense when I look at it that way! When I become a mom, I’m definitely going to need to remember this.
Awe. Thank you!!! I’m so glad you liked it and will remember this. I hope it helps! 🙂
I wish my mom had done this for me when I was a kid. Such a great idea. I will have to remember this when I have little ones.
Awe. Thank you! It really is such a fun activity to do with kids. Thanks for stopping in. 🙂
This is so clever! Such a fun idea for people with kids. I love your perspective on praise too. So good!
-Andrea at
Thanks, Andrea! 🙂
omg this is awesome! Like i want it for myself hahaha
Hahaha, I love it! These machines are awesome!!! 🙂
Such a neat idea! My kids play the claw machine at arcades and fairs all the time! They would LOVE to have one in the house! Maybe then I could get them to keep their room clean 😉
Thank you! These really are awesome to play and the kids love it!
What a cute idea I love it!
Thank you!!! 🙂