The Best Ways To Prank Your Kids
Are you a “prankster type” family that loves to laugh, make silly pranks, joke around, and have a good time? Here are several of the best ways to prank your kids, spouse, family member, co-workers, friends and continue to laugh thinking about it days later. Kid-related, Kid-friendly, Harmless, hilarious, funny pranks, that will make your April Fool’s extra fun.
1) Milk Keyboard Prank
What To Do:
First, add glue to plastic and then let sit 24 hours until dry. If it is not completely dried when ready to use (I cut around the plastic.)
Second, put a tiny bit of milk in a cup and pour a very little bit next to the keyboard.
Third, lay the cup down on its side next to the keyboard.
Finally, the prank looks very realistic. My kids actually thought it was real. 😀 Prank #1 down. 😛
Switch the cereal bags! Haha Super easy – Kid friendly prank! 😀
Looking for an April Fools Joke that is simple, easy, and quick! Stick toilet paper in front of their shoes.
Ice Cream Truck Prank
My kids LOVE ice cream! You could play the ice cream truck sound that you can find here.
Broken Screen Prank
Kid-friendly harmless prank! Broken Screen Prank go here for the app.
Here are a few more great ideas to use…
Remote Control Prank is from
Mustard Cupcakes
Mustard cupcakes found from laughtard.
Donut Prank
This idea was found on raininghotcoupons.
Grape Prank
Great idea found on coolmompicks.
• When the kids are sound asleep. You could switch them beds. For an example, your son would wake up in your daughter’s room and vice versa.
• Wake them up and tell them it’s a school day. April Fools is on a Saturday this year. 😛
Fake Mustache
How To Prank Your Kids with a simple and easy idea. Draw a fake mustache on them while they are sleeping. 😀
Have fun with all these great ideas… you prankster you! 😛