Find out how low you can go with this DIY Holiday Limbo Game!
Do you need an easy game idea for a holiday party?
DIY Holiday Limbo Game
All you will need for this game idea is Christmas music and a Scarf.
That’s everything! Well besides people of course. 🙂
The object of the game is to put a fun holiday twist on the game Limbo!
What you will need to do is turn on Jingle Bells or another Christmas classic! Ask two guests to hold the scarf.
Each guest will need to hold on one side of each end. Both guests holding the scarf will need to keep the tension on the scarf so it doesn’t sag in the middle.
After that, turn that Christmas music on and have each guest take a turn going underneath the scarf.
For example, just like in the classic game Limbo.
This just adds a more budget-friendly, DIY, crafty holiday twist to the concept.
Lastly, the last standing participant that went the lowest without falling or touching the scarf during the game will win a prize!
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