101 Reward Ideas For Kids
Wow! Have you seen these 101 Reward Ideas For Kids? This borderline genius list is fantastic for rewarding your child. This list will be perfect for moms, dads, parents, guardians, grandparents, and teachers.
Have you been searching for a reward idea to help with your child’s behavior? I was a preschool teacher, I am a mom, and I am a foster parent. Trying to find tricks, ideas, and rewards are right up to this mama’s alley.
Positive Reinforcement For Children
Praise. I would have to say that praise is the number #1 positive reinforcement for children. Think about this scenario. Billy’s mom is walking to the door with her hands full of groceries, Billy sees the neighbor kids selling lemonade and they told him he should come help. Billy was excited to sell lemonade but sees his mom struggling to open the door so he runs to help her hold it open. Billy’s mom walks through the door, doesn’t smile, doesn’t say thank you.
As this is going on a customer walks up to buy lemonade from the kids next door and hands them a $5.00 bill and tells them to keep the change. The neighbor kids get excited and each split the money before Billy gets over there.
Billy was really bummed that he chooses to help his mom (even though it was the right thing) but since she wasn’t grateful it made him feel like she didn’t care. He felt he should have run to help the kids instead. Think about it. The next time Billy had to pick between helping his mom open the door or going to sell lemonade with the next door neighbor kids. Which one do you think Billy would choose?
Acknowledging Children’s Achievements
Remember acknowledging your child’s achievement with praise is FREE. Absolutely free! All it needs is a little extra recognition from mom. For example, if Billy’s mom would have just said, “Thank you, Billy, you don’t know how much that helped me by you holding the door. I could have dropped that spaghetti jar out of the bag and it could have landed on my foot.”
Maybe instead of Billy being disappointed that he missed out on that five dollars. Billy would have had a sense of accomplishment and would have been more proud of himself that he helped his mom. This situation would have made Billy help his mom the next time without question too.
Positive Praise Ideas For Kids
When you feel that your child did something remarkable let them know. Giving them a good job, a high-five, a fist bump. This is the kind of stuff that makes kids grow up into positive role models.
An example, If your child forgets to take his or her shoes off when they come in the house and that is a big “no” at your house. Speak to them and let them know that isn’t allowed. Then, the next time they come in the house and if they listen and remember. Let them know that you’re proud of them and you are happy that they remembered. I bet they’ll remember a whole lot more because the situation was acknowledged in a positive reinforcement way.
Examples of Positive Praise
Here are ten examples of positive praise. Encouraging and praising children really does go a long way. It builds self-esteem and it also helps them to be a leader. It helps them to want to encourage other people as well.
- Terrific!
- Fantastic
- I’m so proud of you!
- You’ve got this!
- Way to go kiddo!
- That’s the way to do it!
- Great Job!
- Fist bump! You got an A!
- You are smart!
- That’s right!
List of Praise Statements
In this 101 Reward Ideas For Kids post, I had to add a list of praise statements because those are so important. These are very effective in helping to work with a child’s behavior. It encourages them and also makes them feel good about their self.
• That picture looks fantastic! I love the blue you used for the color of the sky.
• You just showed me how responsible you are by putting your toys away.
• Nice job kiddo!
• High five! 100% on your test. I love it!
• Good job listening to your teacher today.
• That was a tough homework assignment but I am proud that you didn’t give up.
• You cleaned the dishes off the table without being asked. I really appreciate that.
• Thank you for helping your sister find her coat. You are such a good big brother!
• I really like the way you listened and took your shoes off when you came in the house.
• I can see you put in a lot of work to fix your bike.
Elite Honorable Mention Rewards for Kids
This section I want to add in some honorable mention rewards for kids that I think is worth sharing. The first reward suggestion is to stay up late for 15 minutes from Very Well Family. This is one of my children’s favorite rewards. This is one of the rewards I write on a piece of paper and put inside a tiny Easter egg and stick into my FUN MOM Machine that you can find here. ←YOU will want one of these! This thing is AWESOME! Plus, staying up late is free and fun. I love that!
A really neat suggestion for a reward for kids is a brag tag! This can be found on Proud To Be Primary. If you are a teacher or a parent creating fun tags for the kiddos to wear (as a necklace or bracelet) would be a fun idea for something unique. This idea would also work perfectly at church or camp!
Going out to eat! Yes, Mom Junction got it right. My kid’s love getting to pick dinner on Friday night. Of course, they always want to pick McDonald’s but once in a while, I don’t mind.
Another neat idea is a reward box. Do you think the kids will love it? Yaaassss! LOL. I love the reward box that Sugar for Breakfast created for her daughter. My daughter would love the bubbles!
The last favorite Elite Honorable Mention reward for kids goes to this “I can do it” reward chart that you can find here! Get a star for cleaning a mess, watering the flowers, and more. A highly recommended chart for little ones.
Popular Kids Rewards Ideas from Moms, Teachers, and Grandparents
Have strong-willed kids and need to find something to help? Perhaps you just want to increase their productivity? These 101 Reward Ideas For Kids are a tool to help create positive behaviors. I’d bookmark this page or grab a paper and a pen. You’ll want to mark some of these rewards down.
Candy ideas for rewards are fantastic. What kid doesn’t like candy?! Snickers, Twix Bars, M&M’s, 3 Musketeers, Starburst, Skittles, Sixlets, gum, mints, and suckers work perfectly! Also, a helpful idea with potty training is to use this type of M&M’s here! Those are my favorite kind of M&M’s for little ones and it worked wonders for my kids.
Toddler Reward Ideas
If you have a little one these toddler reward ideas will be perfect! It will help you in trying to find a balance whether it be with potty training, positive reinforcement, or boosting their confidence these ideas should help! The following are favorites for toddlers that includes, stickers (perfect for a sticker chart), silly sunglasses, toddler approved toys (did you know you can get toddler approved toys in kid’s meals? You just have to let them know you need a toddler toy!) Also, other toddler reward ideas are temporary tattoos, Outstanding Behavior Bracelets, stamps, and bath time fun.
Kids Reward Ideas
Kids Reward Ideas! There are all sorts of ideas you could use for kids. I will list off some of the top favorites… stay up late, pick a movie, 1-hour free time with mom and dad, cash, pick breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You also have ideas such as picking something from the Dollar Tree, pick a game, pick an app, Roblox dollars, pick cereal or ice cream at the grocery store. Other kids reward ideas consist of 1 hour of electronics, toys, fidget spinners and slime.
What about their favorite beverages. An idea would be to let them pick out a can of pop from the grocery store or their favorite juice. Another reward idea would be to make hot chocolate. Extra rewards for the hot chocolate could be marshmallows, broken pieces from candy canes on top of whip cream, sprinkles, or caramel. Yum!
The conclusion of 101 Reward Ideas For Kids
Other fun rewards for kids could consist of working towards a big item. Maybe so many stickers and they can get that Ninja Turtle doll from Amazon or the rare LOL doll they’ve been looking for? You could also do homemade items such as a batch of chocolate chip cookies, a trip to Dairy Queen, a $2 bill, gold coin, or an allowance each week.
A favorite reward for my kids is a movie night. You can find their favorite movie to watch here! This is such a cute movie! It’s definitely a family favorite for sure.
I can tell you some of the rewards my kids were really surprised about getting out of the MOM Machine.That was to get out of one chore, eating dinner backwards (start with dessert), Slime night, build a fort, going to the pool, going camping, picking out mommy and daddy’s PJs, going to the fair.
All it really consists of is just positive reinforcement. That is the best reward you can give them. It really boosts their confidence to want to continue doing better. I hope this post helps!
Do you have any suggestions for rewards for your kids that you’d like to share with others? Please feel free to leave them in the comments. Have an awesome day and thanks for stopping in! 🙂
These are all wonderful ideas! I like that you mention time with mom and dad – my kids love that.
Thanks, Emily! Yes, my kids love that too. That time is so special and really fun.
These are great ideas! I think children are in desperate need of positive reinforcement these days. I love the idea of just encouraging them when they do something good and just making them feel loved and appreciated.
Thank you, Patricia! I 100% agree with you. Positive reinforcement is so important. Thank you for stopping in. 🙂
Aw such great ideas! We are struggling a lot with potty training at the moment, maybe having a sticker reward chart might work 😀 I love how you covered all different situations, this is so helpful! xx
elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
(I would love to follow each other on bloglovin if you like! :D)
Thanks, Elizabeth! I remember those days with potty training. It can certainly be tough. I’m not sure if you saw the M&M ideas? If you get the tiny little M&M’s (I think they are a little over a $1 at Walmart) but there are probably around 100 pieces in the container. I would give my kids 1 M&M for going #1 and two for going #2. It really helped A LOT! It made them so excited because they got rewarded and it helped with positive reinforcement. I hope that helps. 🙂 Also, yes, I would love to follow each other on bloglovin. Thanks! 🙂
Wow, what a great post full of so many positive and helpful suggestions. I am sure this is going to help out so many parents who need some insight on reward ideas.
Thank you so much! 🙂
love these! its so important to continue to praise them for good deeds and keep them motivated
Thanks, Karen! I absolutely agree with you. I think it helps a lot with learning their manners and motivating them to do the right things. 🙂
What a wonderful collection of ideas to reward children when they deserve praise. Congratulations on your hard work writing this post.
Awe. Thank you so much, Pat! I really appreciate that. Thank you for taking the time to read it and stop in. I love hearing from my readers. Thank you! 🙂
Such great tips for positively reinforcing your kids!
Thanks, Emily! 🙂
I like the reward ideas. We are currently working on potty training & it’s definitely been complicated.
Potty training can be difficult. I can totally relate. I hope some of these ideas will work for you. 🙂
Aww these are such fabulous and positive parenting ideas!!!
Thank you, Daisy! I really appreciate that. 🙂
These are some great ideas. Children need positive encouragement for all achievements big and small. Your ideas are a wonderful way to encourage children.
– http://www.allshethings.com
Thank you so much! That is very sweet. 🙂
Indeed Movie night can be one of the best rewards for school kids or teenagers. These are wonderful ideas, I like praising my son, when he does something with great efforts . For him the other rewards are doing some elaborative craft, which he loves lots.
Yes! Crafts are always a ton of fun. Great idea to add that in. Thank you! Thanks for stopping in. 🙂